Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Reception
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Color assessment
Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Reception
Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Reception
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Color assessment
Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Düsseldorf (Germany)
Test salon, Hamburg (Germany): Reception
Our test salons in Hamburg and Düsseldorf (Germany) form an essential part of our product development for new hair related products.
The test salon is equipped in a similar way to a modern hairdressing salon. A team of top colorists and stylists consisting of hairdressers and master hairdressers test all types of hair related products developed by our business unit Consumer Brands. The products tested are destined to be introduced worldwide into the local markets. They are used in professional hairdressing salons or by consumers themselves at home.
Prior to testing, a briefing is given to the test salon from the Marketing and Research & Development departments. Close cooperation with both departments is paramount.
An order for a trial in the test salon usually involves testing the properties of a new product such as color, care, shine, volume or hold. The trial involves the hairdressers performing a so-called "half side application test" following a standard test design. During this type of test a product which is currently on the market is applied to the right side of the scalp and a new optimized version of the product is applied to the left side of the scalp. This procedure allows a direct comparison of the two formulas as well as a clear choice of a test winner. Prior to use in the test salon all products have been tested in the laboratory and have been dermatologically certified. Not only does the test bring along insightful information about the new product, but also the models receive further insights about their hair as a personalized hair consultation is done based on a digital hair analysis. In addition, they will leave the test salon with perfectly styled and / or perfectly colored hair.
Some of our products are not designed for use in hairdresser salons but instead are for consumers to use themselves at home. A “self-use” test is performed for these products. The numerous mirrors in the test studio enable the self-user to view themselves from every angle and they also provide the test studio team with more insight into the application techniques used. An interesting fact about a self-use test is that the volunteers choose a follow-up appointment themselves according to when they would use the product again if they were at home. In this way we are able to imitate the true reality of the market.
Each product is subjected to the “hurdle" of the test salon before entering the market. The test salon self-use test process provides an insight into how consumers will use the product, so any problems can be detected and eliminated beforehand. A typical example is the instructions for use; because our volunteers use the products themselves in the test salon as well as at home we can ensure that the instructions are clear and easy to understand.
A test salon approval is only given when the product, packaging and instructions for use have all been fully evaluated and conform to our high standards.