
Find our compilation of TV footage on various Henkel topics that journalists may use for their TV and online programs. You can watch and order the footage below.

Laundry and Home Care production - Thumbnail

Laundry and Home Care production

Behind the scenes at the production site for Persil, Pril or Somat in Düsseldorf.

YouTube Thumbnail Henkel Produkt Portfolio (Thumbnail)

Henkel Product Portfolio

Beauty Care - Thumbnail

Consumer Brands – Hair

Henkel's headquarters in Düsseldorf - Thumbnail

Henkel's headquarters in Düsseldorf

Geländeaufnahmen der Henkel-Zentrale (1) - Thumbnail

Images of the Henkel headquarters

Adhesive Technologies - Thumbnail

Adhesive Technologies

Henkel's adhesive technologies in the automotive industry.

Laundry & Home Care high-bay warehouse (1) - Thumbnail

Laundry & Home Care high-bay warehouse

The biggest Henkel warehouse worldwide.

Adhesive Technologies production - Thumbnail

Adhesive Technologies production

Behind the scenes at the production site for Loctite, Teroson or Pritt.

Product Development Laundry & Home Care - Thumbnail

Product Development Consumer Brands – Laundry & Home Care

Insight into research and development at the core category Laundry & Home Care of Henkel’s Consumer Brands business.

Restoring the mask of Tut Ankh Amun - Thumbnail

Restoring the mask of Tut Ankh Amun

Henkel Adhesives in action: repairing the mask of Tut Ankh Amun.