in million euros | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Cash and cash equivalents securities and time deposits1 | 2,209 | 2,526 | 1,455 | 2,177 | 3,445 |
Financial debt2 | -3,097 | -2,818 | -2,722 | -2,164 | -3,538 |
Net financial position3 | -888 | -292 | -1,267 | 12 | -93 |
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations | -551 | -510 | -417 | -535 | -569 |
1 Including financial collateral provided and cash investments reported as assets held for sale. 2 Consists of current and non-current borrowings, financial collateral received as well as derivative financial instruments (positive and negative fair values of hedging transactions). 3 Defined as cash and cash equivalents plus readily monetizable securities & time deposits and financial collateral provided, less borrowings, plus positive and minus negative fair values of derivative financial instruments. |