Our Commitment: 
No animal testing for our detergents and cleaning products

Consumers often want to know whether we test our detergents and cleaning products on animals. 

We would therefore like to explain our approach and the general legal framework:

We have a clear commitment: We do not test our detergents and cleaning products on animals, nor do we mandate third parties to test on our behalf. This applies to our product portfolio worldwide. Unfortunately, there are still single markets in which animal testing is mandatory to obtain market registration for detergents and cleaning products. We are working with the respective associations to convince these authorities to cease animal testing.

We have been working on the development and recognition of alternative testing methods for 40 years to demonstrate the safety of our detergents and cleaning products as well as their ingredients without animal testing. 
With regard to ingredients of detergents and cleaning products it is important to know that for these ingredients the respective manufacturer must ensure that they are safe to use in accordance with chemicals legislation. Unfortunately, in some cases, the law still requires animal testing to do so. You can find more information about verifying the safety of ingredients in accordance with the European REACH Regulation here:

Frequently asked questions:

We have a clear commitment: We do not test our detergents and cleaning products on animals, nor do we mandate third parties to test on our behalf. This applies to our product portfolio worldwide. Unfortunately, there are still single markets in which animal testing is mandatory to obtain market registration for detergents and cleaning products. We are working with the respective associations to convince these authorities to cease animal testing.

As you may know, the EU introduced a ban on animal testing for cosmetic ingredients in 2013. At the same time, we have stopped animal testing for our detergents and cleaning products on a voluntary basis. 

Even prior to 2013, we aimed to ensure the safety of our detergents and cleaning products and their ingredients without animal testing. We only ever commissioned animal testing if it was required by law and there were no recognized alternative methods that could provide the necessary safety data for the relevant product.

The majority of ingredients of our detergents and cleaning products are sourced from our suppliers, who are responsible for the safety of the substances they supply. We manufacture very few ingredients by ourselves. Wherever legally possible, we demonstrate the safety of these few ingredients through existing data or through accepted alternative test methods, thus avoiding animal testing. Only where it is specifically required by law, we need to commission animal testing to verify the safety of a substance. You can find more information about verifying the safety of ingredients in accordance with the European REACH Regulation here: