
“When everything is chaotic, my mind becomes clear“

Fern Buckingham, Customer Service Front Agent at Henkel, on how she manages her work-life since her ADHD diagnosis

New Work Mar 12, 2024

Fern Buckingham is no stranger to chaos. Diagnosed with ADHD in 2021, she has since learned to manage her days effectively as a customer service agent at Henkel. She has developed routines that help her navigate the busiest times, during which her organizational skills often prove invaluable to her colleagues, sometimes even more than to herself.

Your diagnosis says ADHD, but how would you describe it yourself?

Fern: To be honest, I'm quite a mixed bag. Outwardly, I'm very outgoing, which is what people see when they first meet me. But I've always felt different inside. Since my diagnosis, I've begun to understand why. It's still a struggle but having set routines has significantly structured my work and, essentially, my life.

Fern Buckingham, Customer Service Front Office Agent at Henkel

I've always put a lot of effort into my work, but now, with my diagnosis and routines, I'm not just working hard; I'm working smart.

How do routines help you settle down?

Fern: They're crucial for me. I arrive at work 20 minutes early, grab a cup of tea or coffee, set up my computer, and spend five minutes reading a book before diving into my emails and urgent tasks. This little ritual helps me transition into work mode. Without it, I'd be easily sidetracked by distractions around me.

How did you feel before your diagnosis, and what was different?

Fern: I joined Henkel in 2020, right before the pandemic hit, and the transition to working from home was challenging. It felt like I was bubbling under the surface while appearing calm. That's when I realized something was off. The journey to my ADHD diagnosis was a revelation. I've always put a lot of effort into my work, but now, with my diagnosis and routines, I'm not just working hard; I'm working smart. The support from my colleagues and Henkel has been instrumental in this change.

3 questions to Fern Buckingham, Customer Service Front Office Agent at Henkel UK

YouTube Thumbnail 3 Questions for Fern Buckingham, Customer Service Front Office Agent at Henkel (Thumbnail)


What is it like working with ADHD at Henkel?

Fern: Henkel has been very supportive. During the pandemic, our daily group chats were a lifeline. I was open about my thoughts and feelings, which prepared my colleagues for my diagnosis. The positive office atmosphere allows for honesty and personal space. Henkel even helped me get an 'access to work' grant, providing me with ADHD coaching and resources like noise-canceling headphones and fidget toys. These tools have made me more comfortable and focused at work.

And what is it like for others at Henkel working with you?

Fern: It might sound paradoxical, but my ADHD helps me thrive in chaos. When everything is chaotic, my mind becomes clear. This ability lets me excel in customer service and crisis management. My colleagues know they can rely on me during tough situations.

Fern Buckingham, Customer Service Front Office Agent at Henkel

Discussing our differences, diagnosis or not, benefits everyone. It improves our work and interactions. Openness leads to a more supportive and effective work environment.

Would you recommend others to be open about their diagnoses like ADHD?

Fern: Absolutely. Discussing our differences, diagnosis or not, benefits everyone. It improves our work and interactions. My colleagues understand my needs better, like why I use noise-canceling headphones or have a thermal mug for my often-forgotten coffee. Openness leads to a more supportive and effective work environment.

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